We Create Families!

Welcome to the
"Secret of Happiness"
Marriage Agency!

How to find your other half?

How to meet someone who you would like to spend the rest of your life with?

And the most important: where can you find him?

You might find him at work, through your friends OR through our agency!

"Secret of Happiness" is not a dating website, it’s a marriage agency, founded in 2009 by married couple Ilona Baghishyan and Arthur Tumanyan in Armenia. Since it helps couples to create families. Our database has over 500 happy couples in Armenia and abroad. They found their secret of happiness, how about you?


* Required fields

Information about You


Information about potential partner

Our advantages


The advantage of our agency is confidentiality! Information provided to us at the registration is completely discrete and hidden from others! We require that for continuous work with you. Therefore, please ensure to enter the correct details, especially your contact details, such as viber/ whatsapp/telegram, e-mail.

Large database

We have a huge database which will allow you to select the best out of the best. The potential partner’s database will be sent to you directly via email as per the preferences discussed!

Individual approach

The success of our agency is in the individual approach to every customer. As soon as you register on our website, we will contact you to discuss your preferences in future partners and only after that we will start working. Not to worry if you live abroad, we will contact you via whatsapp/viber etc.


Always loved the professional yet  friendly look you had behind your office table! Many a first time anxious client like me, must have felt much at ease after meeting you, dear Ilona!


I am happy I could find your  agency, you helped me to meet my love! Thank you

Richard K

Вы не поверите -  любви действительно все возрасты покорны! Я  уже бабушка, свой возраст писать не буду, но благодаря вам и вашему агентству я чувствую себя на 20 лет! Более того, мы с мужем даже  взяли ипотечный кредит, он иногородний) У нас большие планы на будущее! Оно красочное, и мы любим друг друга и не боимся смело смотреть в будущее. Спасибо вам) Всем рекомендую))

Name Surname

We finally found our happiness, something we`re both been dreaming of. I`m from LA, USA, my wife is  from Armenia. Now  we r together! Thank you so much!

